Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stupid Morning

Yesterday morning sucked. Sucked.

I knew that Georgia had an appointment scheduled with an ear, nose, and throat doctor that day. I had waited TWO MONTHS for this appointment as that was the soonest they could see us, and I was anxiously looking forward to it. We're trying to find out if Georgia needs ear tubes like her older siblings both do, so this appointment was very important to me. I want to help her get her speech and her balance issues resolved while she's still a little baby; if there's anything we can do to help her now, I want to do it.

Anyway, because of some stupid confusion that was all my fault, I realized the correct time for Georgia's appointment 20 minutes before we were due to be across town meeting with this specialist. I freaked out. I called the doctor's office to see if I could reschedule for a time in the near future... instead, the receptionist said, "You can be up to 15 minutes late for your appointment." So I decided to go for it. Like an idiot, I decided that I could make it. I would do this for Georgia. I would be a good mom, correct my mistake, and make it there on time.

I threw on some clothes, packed the diaper bag, scooped Elise out of her pack 'n play (she was napping), and ran to my car. I packed shoes for Elise but didn't have time to put them on her. I didn't have the minivan, which would have made my life much easier. I also didn't have a stroller, as they were all in the minivan.

I called Georgia's day care and asked them to have her diaper changed and have her ready to go, stopped by and picked her up, and raced across town to the hospital, where the doctor's office is located. I had to find parking. And of course, the ONLY parking spot was WAAAAAAAY far away from the hospital entrance. I carried both of the girls through the parking lot, to an elevator, and down the longest corridor I've ever seen in my life in order to reach the doctor's office. This with my big pregnant belly. A 20+ pound baby on each hip, a diaper bag (god knows how much that weighs), and me power-walking the whole way.

I arrived at the office 19 minutes late. I showed up breathing heavy, drenched in sweat, and feeling like I was about to die. My arms were shaking they hurt so bad from carrying both of the girls such a far distance. Nervous laughter from the people in the waiting room when I opened the door carrying two babies of different races and sporting a big, round tummy. Looking like a wet, disheveled, crazy woman about to have a heart attack. Thanks, jerks. No, no one bother to hold the door for me. I'm fine.

And then

to top it all off

the receptionist says to me after I check in, "Oh, the doctor isn't in today. We'll have to reschedule."

I put my head down on the counter and laughed. Or cried. Or both. Not sure.

So I composed myself as best I could and said that since I was already there, I might as well go ahead and fill out all of the in-take paperwork so I don't have to do it next time I come in.

"Okay! Good idea. Oh, and is your phone number blah-blah-blah-9?"

"No. It's blah-blah-blah-4."

"Oh, I guess that's why we couldn't reach you about rescheduling. We have your number wrong in our system."

So, all of that just to fill out paperwork. It sucked. I hate people.

On an up note, the girls were super well-behaved in the waiting room. Perfect little angels. They must have known that it was not a good time to mess with mommy.

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