Friday, June 17, 2011

You Tell 'im, Elise!

Elise tripped over a power cord earlier today. She got up, turned around, and told that cord, "NO, NO, NO!!!"

It was heeeeeeee-larious!

She's also started saying "please" to get what she wants. She's very good at knowing when it's appropriate to ask nicely. She's even trying to use it to manipulate a bit, I think.

The other night Elise woke up too early for a feeding and so when I heard her asking for milk I told her "Night night, Elise." She knows that I'm telling her to lay back down when I say that. She fusses for a minute, but she understands what I mean and she does lay down. Well, she wasn't having it that night. Instead of going back to sleep she started asking please, please, please (in her little baby way that she does, as it doesn't sound like a perfectly formed word yet but I know what she's saying). I didn't give in, but MAN... good move Elise. That one almost worked on me.

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