Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Go, Georgia, Go!

Georgia took a couple of steps tonight! They were lunging baby steps, not real walking, but that's so much more than she's ever done before. I was so excited!!!

Georgia's started making a few new sounds, she's making progress toward walking, and she's using her baby sign language more. It's as if she's been observing for the past few months, taking it all in, and all of a sudden she's decided to put everything she's learned in to practice.


Just goes to show that every kid's different and you never know what's going on in their little baby brains.


  1. YAY! Great job! That's how Andy was . . . studying studying studying. Then he rolled over, sat up, crawled and cruised all in two weeks when he was 10 months old. He's toddling around now too! This morning at the aquarium he let go of my leg and walked over to a bench.

  2. that's awesome!

    Andy's definitely ahead of Georgia in learning to walk. but Georgia's therapist said that as long as she's walking by 18 months, everything will be okay. i think she'll be walking by then.

  3. Yep, our pedi also told us 18 or 19 months was normal.
