Friday, August 12, 2011

Booboo Teeth

Elise was Grumpy McGrumpersons today. Temper tantrums for no reason. Or so I thought.

After a temper tantrum over the fact that I tied a bandana around her head after she asked me to but then apparently immediately decided that she in fact did NOT want me tie it around her head, she shoved her finger in her mouth and yelled, "Teeeeeeeeth!"

"Yes. You have teeth."

Then Elise pointed to the back of her mouth. "Booboo!"

Sure enough, she has her third molar coming in, right where she pointed. Poor baby. It's so nice that she's starting to be able to communicate what she needs and what's bothering her. Makes my life sooooooo much easier. Her's too, I would imagine.

1 comment:

  1. Teeth booboo! I love it! Andy has all 4 first molars and is getting his top 2 cuspids right now. The cuspids are not as bad as the molars, thank goodness! He's been skipping some meals though, from the pain I suppose. Yesterday he had breakfast around 6:45 then didn't eat lunch until he woke up from his nap at 2:45. He was pretty happy with it though. He took a bite of chicken salad sandwich and said, "yum, boonch!" (boonch is his word for lunch)
