Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Pregnancy Symptom

i have a new pregnancy symptom that i never got with elise. this is all you, clark!

all of a sudden, out of nowhere (though usually while i'm standing or walking) i get a sharp and very painful feeling in my upper, inner thigh. nerve pain. i have to sit down as quickly as possible when it happens. it's not the kind of pain you can work through. it's intense.

i read online where other pregnant women described and discussed similar problems. people were suggesting that it has to do with the position of the baby's head, maybe pressing on some nerve somewhere. makes sense to me. if that's what it is, i'm thankful that clark never wants to rest his head on my crotch nerve for too long, because the pain usually goes away within 5 minutes or so. it just reeeeeeeally sucks while it's happening.

i get lots of nerve pains with my pregnancies-- sciatica, sex butt, now this. babies, i love you, but you get on my nerves.


  1. Oh yeah! I got that with Andy. But is was not from his head. He was breech, so it must've been his butt pressing on my nerve. I'd get it walking around campus and have to shake it out. I think other people thought I was crazy, or else just felt like dancing.

  2. i wish i could shake it off when it happens to me! it feels like someone just stabbed me-- really acute pain. now that i know what might be causing it, i try to push a little on my belly and make Clark move. seems to help the pain go away more quickly.
