Monday, August 15, 2011

Tired, Blankets

I'm so tired today. I've been really tired lately in general. Is Clark growing? My body is just so awkward now that everything feels like a tremendous effort. I feel like a sloth-- slow and clumsy.

I think I finished washing all of Clark's blankets. I washed all of our receiving blankets and the few others that we have for him. I had Husband pick out some blankets to take with us to the hospital for the day that we get to bring Clark home. We're ready to swaddle you, little babu!


  1. I hope he likes swaddling. Andy detested it.

  2. Elise liked it for a long time. once she started rolling around, though, we had to stop because I got scared that she'd trap herself and suffocate.

  3. Hehe. Andy learned to get out of any swaddle in 2 weeks flat. We bought him one of those zip up sleep sacks to put over his jammies because we always worried that he'd be cold. My friend's 17 month old still wears a sleep sack!!

  4. we still use footie pajamas for Elise. i guess those are, like, half sleep sack and half regular jammies.

  5. Andy is wearing shorts and t shirt jammies this summer. He gets all sweaty with long jammies. But we occasionally give him socks. And we cover him with his blankie. We haven't been able to put him in anything remotely like a onesie for many months because his torso is too long. Sometimes I wish I could wear footie pajamas, but only in the winter.
