Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm Over It

Okay. I've finally hit that brick wall known as "the last few weeks of pregnancy." I'm over it. Done. Get this kid out of me. I'm uncomfortable 100% of the time now. My body aches, I'm constantly having contractions, I'm getting queezy every time I eat, I'm overly emotional, and I'm sleep deprived. I want to drink a beer, exercise for longer than 2 minutes without feeling winded because a baby is pressing on my lungs, and bend freely at the waist.

I will gladly get up off my fat butt every two hours for the next month and feed a screaming, slobbering newborn in exchange for losing just 15 of these jiggly, thigh-rubbing pounds. I want to sleep on my stomach, comfortably clip my own toenails, and get up off the couch without rocking back and forth 3 or 4 times to build up momentum.

Please come out soon, Clark, or Mommy will go crazy.

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