Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thank YOU

Elise started saying "thank you" today at appropriate times, like when I hand her a sippy cup. (More like "tank ooo" but I know what she means.) Don't know why. I didn't work on that one with her. She just has good manners, I guess. She's real big on "please," too.

Something tells me this will not be a long term occurrence. But it's nice for now, while she's 17 months old.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Andy says "tanks!" for thank you when he gets something he wants and "peezzzzzzzzzz" for please. He tries to use please sometimes to get things he knows he shouldn't have. He occasionally says "welc" or something close to that when we remind him to say "you're welcome." That last one is asking a lot though.
