Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Foster Babies Update

Well. Henry and Georgia's mom, who has otherwise been doing a great job of completing the tasks on her case plan, has recently made some poor decisions. Don't bother asking, I won't tell you what they are specifically. I believe it is important to keep as much of Henry and Georgia's information as private as possible, even from people I know and love and trust. Not anything against my family and friends, it's just that I feel like a lot of what happens and what has happened in the past is for Henry and Georgia to tell people if they want to when they're older, not for me to tell.

Anyway, so what do these new revelations about the kids' mom mean to me as their foster mother? It means, realistically, that their mom will probably get an extension on her case plan. Rather than making a final decision any time soon about whether or not the kids go back home with her, the court will most likely give her more time to get her act together. The court will probably say, "Yes. You've messed up. Yes. You've had lots of time to get your life together. But, yes. You can have a little more time. Now don't mess up again. I really, really mean it this time."


Also, Henry's presumed father has apparently finally turned in his paperwork to get the DNA test processed. Yay! So we're waiting on the results from that. We'll see what happens...

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