Saturday, September 11, 2010

Banana Farts

Bananas are making Elise fart.

I read that as babies are eating new foods, it can take their digestive systems a little while to get all of the good bacteria and whatnot built up. They can be "sensitive" to some foods for a while, as everything is developing. Bananas have a lot of carbohydrates, which can lead to a lot of farts.

I fed Elise nanacado again tonight, but I made it with more 'cado than 'nana so that her tummy could have a little bit of a break but still be exposed to the banana. She had one major shit-up-the-back poo after dinner but other than that, her tummy seems to be dealing with the banana better tonight than last night.

Part of me feels almost bad, giving her food and messing everything up in her tummy. Can't she just drink breast milk until she's, like, three years old and can have a semi-rational conversation and understand that I'm not trying to screw up her day or make her feel sick?

She loves eating, though. Gobbles it right down. She's probably actually unphased by all of the extra pooping and extra farting. I'm probably over-analysing it. Here's me: "Oh my god! Poor baby! Non-stop farting! And how is it even possible that she had that much poop IN her?! She must feel awful! This is terrible! TERRIBLE!" And here is what Elise is probably thinking: "Aaahhhhhhhhh! That felt good!"

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