Friday, September 17, 2010

The Latest

Elise is averaging one BP spill per day. I hope this ends soon. Today it not only exploded out the top of her diaper, it ran down her leg and puddled on the floor. Nasty.

Tonight while Elise was eating dinner she said "da da da da da da..." Very exciting. Husband heard her, too.

What else? My sister's baby is flopping all around in her tummy. My brother-in-law even felt the baby kick today. I think she's about 18 weeks along now. Both of us felt our babies moving around kind of early. A small trade off for all of that horrible morning sickness.

1 comment:

  1. Has it gotten up to her shoulders and arms yet. I was impressed when that happened to Andy. None in his hair yet. Our pediatrician said you can't graduate being a baby until you poop on a wall or the ceiling. Andy's peed on those things (and our tv) but not pooped on those yet. Thank goodness.
