Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our First Foster Child

We had our first foster care placement during May 2009, before I got pregnant. It was a respite care placement-- the little boy was only with us for 1 week while his regular foster mom went out of town.

I can't use the foster kids' real names, so I'll make up names for them. I'll name them like hurricanes, each one getting the next letter of the alphabet. And I'll pick names that I like but will never get to use on my own children, for whatever reason.

So the first little dude I will call Aurelius. He was beautiful. And cute as a button. Aurelius was 11 months old when he came to stay with us. Great baby-- slept through the night, good eater, happy. He was a really good first foster care placement for us. We knew exactly how long he would be with us, and it was a short time, so we didn't get too attached but we still had to learn to say goodbye.

Aurelius went to day care and the first day we went to pick him up, I was given a slip that said his snot was green that day and he couldn't come back to school for two days. Might give the other kids an infection or whatever. Damn it! First day of being a foster parent and I have to call out of work the next day! Fortunately, that was on a Thurday so I only had to miss Friday and not a second day of work, too.

During the week that he was with us, Aurelius decided to let go of furniture and start walking. That was cool. I think that the cats inspired him to want to move around faster.

We still think about the little guy. We bumped into him and his foster mom a few times at different foster parent meetings and functions. Last we heard, a cousin was going to adopt him. We heard that at Christmas-time and the last time we saw his foster mom, a few months ago, Aurelius wasn't with her. So I hope the adoption worked out for him.

Aurelius was our first chance to parent together. It was fun. Husband and I make a good team.

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