Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mommy's Little Sweet Potato

Elise had sweet potato for the first time tonight. She liked it! She even blew sweet potato spit all over Daddy, she was so happy and having so much fun.

I made a lot of sweet potato baby food because I figured Elise would like it. I think that most babies like sweet potato.

I took 5 sweet potatoes, washed them, poked them with a fork, wrapped them in tin foil, and baked them at 400 degrees for about 50 minutes. When they were done, I took off the skins and pureed them. I froze most of the puree, but for the bit Elise had tonight, I thinned it with breast milk.

Now, there's something very strange that happens with kids' faces and certain light colored foods. I've observed this with the foster kids, too. After a meal, all little kids need to be wiped down, hands and face. With foods like spaghetti sauce, you can see perfectly where the mess is. Foods like sweet potato, you wipe and wipe and under artificial lighting it looks like you got it all. Then you take the kid outside into the sunlight and BAM! Suddenly you can see little smears of food still rimming the nostrils, wiped through the eyebrows, dabbed on the earlobes. When this happens I get all self-conscious and think that I look like a horrible mother. My baby looks messy and not properly cared for. If it's just a little bit of food I do the whole lick my finger and rub spit on the kid's face bit. But if it's a lot of food, I stop short of cleaning the kid's face like a momma cat and just get to baby wipes or a sink as quickly as possible, feeling slightly mortified the whole way there.

Obviously, this happened tonight. We went out after dinner and as I was taking her out of the car I was like, "Oh my god. Elise's nostrils are orange." So, lesson learned, sweet potato mess can sneak up on you.

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