Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spoke Too Soon

We had another BP (baby poo) spill this morning. I guess the rice cereal only delayed the inevitable.

Well, her little digestive system will figure it out eventually. I had no idea how much solid food would impact my sweet Beastie. :(


  1. Maybe it's just time to change the diaper size. Andy has more frequent blow-outs when he's outgrowing his diaper size. For him, it's usually a pound or two below the max weight listed on the diaper.

  2. We actually changed her diaper size recently. I think it's the solid food making her have lots of extra poos. They're different not only in intensity but also in frequency, consistency, smell, and color.

    I'd double bag her bottom if I could.

  3. You know what else makes baby poo explosions? Long car rides. They happen at the most inopportune times. Like when we were in Helper, Utah. Surprisingly, no one there pulled over to help us when we were changing Andy on the trunk of the car.
