Saturday, September 25, 2010

Elise Is Riding the Chew-Chew Train to Toofie-town!

Baby's first tooth!

I thought teething would be worse. Maybe it gets worse. Maybe her other teeth will be more painful. But this first one didn't seem like much of a big deal at all. The past few nights Elise has been waking up around 11pm, fussing a bit, and then after I feed her, going back to sleep for the night. I broke my "no feedings between 9pm and 5am" policy because I could tell that something was really bothering her. I thought that maybe she was going through a growth spurt or maybe she had a mild sickness. Nope! She was teething!

So today after Elise's afternoon nap, I felt along her gums on a whim and discovered the hard little bump of an erupted tooth. Bottom right front.

God, she's growing up so fast.

I love her so much.

Oh, also today, Elise had her first serving of yellow squash. She liked it well enough and ate it all. Yellow squash is pretty watery after it's been frozen, so I had to thicken it up with some rice cereal. She's such a good eater!

Now that she's having two meals a day, she's starting to breastfeed a little less. My boobies feel fuller now, as they are trying to adjust to less demand. It's slightly uncomfortable sometimes. Not so bad as the engorged feeling that I had when my milk was first coming in, but I can tell that my body is changing yet again to accomodate my baby's needs.

I just hope she doesn't start biting my boobies.

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