Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spill Contained

I managed to avoid a BP spill today! I had to change several diapers in a fairly short period of time, but no baby poo escaped. Yay!

The second I noticed Elise pausing during playtime, I thought, "Here it comes!" Then she got this look on her face like she was trying to solve a really hard math problem, so I snatched her up and she farted the whole way to the changing table.

When I opened her diaper it looked like someone had spooned mashed sweet potatoes down her pants. Seriously. It looked the exact same as it did going in. Did her body even process it? It was like she was one of those baby dolls that you feed water and two seconds later the water leaks into the diaper. Straight through. Except that the last time she'd eaten solid food was, like, 18 hours before that-- so I guess her body did SOMETHING with all of that food.

I changed her diaper, dressed her, then repeated a few minutes afterward. Several algebraic equations later Elise was done and I didn't even have to rinse out any onesies or wipe poo off of anyone's elbows today.

1 comment:

  1. Every time you write "BP spill" I think how you are comparing her to Deepwater Horizon.
