Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 Month Check Up

Elise had her 2 month check up at the doctor's office. She measured 22 1/2 inches in height (50th percentile) and weighed 10 pounds and 11 ounces (50th percentile).

She got 3 shots and had to drink some fluid containing a live virus. Her first vaccines. Oh, she screamed when the nurse stuck her. It broke my heart. So I asked the nurse if I could use the room for an extra minute to feed her. Not to give her a meal, just to let her suck for a minute for comfort. The nurse begrudgingly agreed. And you know what? It totally worked. She stopped crying and was fine after just a few seconds of breastfeeding. Mommy knows how to make Baby Baby better.

Elise slept the whole way home and for another couple of hours after that. Deep sleep. I figured that her body was processing the vaccinations and it must be making her tired.

Well, when she woke up she was UNCONSOLABLE. Poor baby. She didn't have a fever or anything, but she clearly felt miserable. I tried feeding her. She would nurse for a minute, unlatch and scream for a minute, nurse for a minute, scream for a minute-- it was so sad. And once I'd get her quieted, if anything changed, I'd move the slightest bit or there'd be a noise, she'd start screaming again.

Now, I have 4 cats, and the youngest (let's call him "Vincent") does not care to hear the baby cry. Usually he'll get up and leave the room if she starts fussing. Sometimes he'll come stand by me and start yowling, too, as if to say to me "DO something, dammit!" And a few times, Vincent's tried to bat at her in an effort to make the noise stop.

Well, as I was instant messaging Husband to ask him to leave work a few minutes early so he could pick up some baby Tylenol, and while Elise was screaming in discomfort, Vincent came over to me, grabbed my forearem firmly in his teeth, and let loose a long, loud yowl. He's not a biter, so this was very strange. He was clearly telling me to make the baby stop crying OR ELSE.

Anyhow, once we gave Elise some Tylenol she was able to go back to sleep for a bit and she woke up acting like her usual cheery self. Poor baby.

I'm not looking forward to her 4 month boosters.


  1. Hopefully you did generic Tylenol as there was a recall on baby Tynlenol products. Mom

  2. Good for you getting her through her first set of vaccines! She's well on her way to a tough immune system.

    The recalled Tylenol lot numbers are online so you can check the package And I'm sure that they wouldn't still be selling them, since the recall was put out a couple weeks ago. My baby had the recalled Tylenol and he's OK.

  3. Husband got the generic brand of acetaminophen. i just didnt want to try spelling "acetaminophen" out at 3 in the morning when i was making this blog post. :)
