Saturday, May 1, 2010

Big Girl

Elise is growing so fast. Or at least it seems that way to me. She's officially outgrown most of her newborn clothes (she can still wear some of the pants) and she's been out of newborn diapers for almost a month now.

She was about 6 and 1/2 pounds when she was born and she was able to wear newborn diapers for one month. It was perfect because we had 1 month's supply of newborn size. Just about the time Husband said to me "I think these are getting too small" we only had a few more days worth of those diapers left. If she'd been much bigger when she was born, we'd have had extra diapers leftover. On that note, I wouldn't advise expectant parents to stock up on newborn diapers-- there's no telling how big your baby will be when it's born.

Elise's little newborn clothes are too small, as well. She's wearing size 0-3 now. I've been packing up the newborn clothes, saving them in case we get a newborn foster child sometime.

They grow up so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Andy just started being able to wear some of his newborn clothes. We had to buy a bunch of preemie stuff because he was so small. But his weight is up to almost 6.5 lbs, so he should be able to wear more newborn stuff soon. We also only bought one pack of newborn diapers, on the advice of our pediatrician. However, we had to buy lots of preemie diapers. It says the newborn size fits starting at 6 lbs, but they are still way too big on Andy. We have 4 packs left of preemie diapers, but he goes through one pack every 2 to 3 days. So maybe he'll fit into newborn size in a week or two.
