Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Guess That Did Sound Strange

If I didn't have the ability to surf the Internet on my smartphone, I'd go crazy. As I've mentioned before, when Elise wakes up in the middle of the night, it generally takes about an hour to feed her, burp her, and get her back to sleep. During the night I don't talk to her or play with her-- I want her to know that it's bedtime. But I have to stay awake, which isn't always easy.

I use my phone to make blog posts at 3 in the morning (hence all the typos), or check Facebook, or just bop around on the Internet, going off on weird tangents and looking up seemingly random crap.

This morning I instant messaged Husband, "i learned a lot about cream cheese in the middle of the night last night"

He pointed out how strange that sounded. And in retrospect, I agree.

1 comment:

  1. It takes me about an hour with Andy as well. A few minutes to change the diaper, 30 minutes to feed, then 15 to 30 to get him back to sleep. Sleep an hour, repeat.
