Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby's First Hiccups

The two most common questions I get asked regarding my pregnancy are "how are you feeling?" and "has the baby had hiccups yet?" Until today, my little jumping bean had been hiccup-free.

Yesterday my family had lunch with Peg's family and while we were talking about baby stuff, Peg told me what the baby hiccups feel like. I'm glad she did because I might not have known what was going on otherwise.

After lunch today, I was lying down for a nap. I started to feel what was almost like a heartbeat in my tummy. It was too slow for a heartbeat, but it was rhythmic like one. Tiny little baby movements. It only lasted for a few minutes. Elise had hiccups! Hee hee.


  1. I spent too long trying to picture who this Peg lady was. I thought it was a family member that I didnt know of. Then I realized it was me! :P
