Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Little Bunny

I've been doing kick counts lately. Toward the end of your pregnancy, you're supposed to take a count of your baby's kicks twice a day. Not having enough fetal activity is a sign of distress. To do the kick count, you eat something and then go sit or lie down. You're supposed to feel at least 10 kicks/jabs/rolls/wiggles within an hour. You can stop once you count 10.

This morning Elise did her kick count in 3 minutes.

She's so active. I feel her all of the time. And she responds to touch now. If I rub my tummy, she moves. She still kicks me a lot. So I've been calling her my little bunny. Maybe she'll be born on Easter.

Elise has lots of great potential birthdays. If she wants to come early, she could be born on St. Patrick's Day or her Daddy's birthday. Her due date (the 29th) is the start of Passover. Then there's April Fools Day. Or if she holds out until the 4th of April, she can be my little Easter bunny.

I think she'll wait until Easter.

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