Monday, January 11, 2010

Pregnancy Dream: Crack Addict

In my dream last night I woke up in a bedroom very much like my bedroom now. There was a stranger asleep in the bed with me, one on the floor, and I could hear someone awake in the bathroom. My first thought was that I needed to smoke some more crack.

As I got out of bed, I realized that I was pregnant. I got very upset about the fact that I was smoking crack while I was pregnant and I felt just terrible about it. I picked up a crack rock, glass pipe, and lighter that had been laying next to me on the bed and went into the bathroom.

There was a blonde girl in the bathroom-- someone from my real life that I knew a long time ago and who did have a drug problem-- and I handed her the stuff I had gathered up.

"Take this. I can't do it anymore. I'm pregnant," I said.

She looked at me like I was insane. My belly was big in the dream like it is now. "You've BEEN smoking it. And you've BEEN pregnant for a while."

"Well, it's better to quit now than to keep doing it."

I hurried out of the bathroom and I was trying to leave the bedroom when my dream ended.

I've never smoked crack in real life, by the way. Just a strange dream. Probably inspired by the fact that I'm a foster parent and I hear all kinds of terrible stories about what parents do to their children, born and unborn.

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