Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our Wonderful Baby Shower

At the end of December, my mother-in-law and my sister threw us a baby shower. It was perfect. Lots of friends and family were there and we got so much stuff for Elise.

We announced that we're having a girl at the shower, after the presents were opened. We don't mind having gender-specific stuff, but we didn't want ALL pink clothes, blankets, etc. We figured that people would have plenty of time to give Elise girly things after the shower, so we might as well get all of the white, yellow, and green things we can before she arrives.

My dad bought a football and some tools for the baby, as sort of a joke-- but he did think we were having a boy. I'm saving them for her. I'll let Elise decide for herself if she wants to play with them.

After the presents were opened, we played the song Fur Elise and brought out the cake, which we had ordered to read "For Elise" on top. That's how we announced that we're having a girl.

It was a wonderful day.


  1. I'll teach her how to throw a football and use the tools. I had these things too. I also loved hot wheels when I was a little older.

  2. i was like that, too! i dont think i had tools, but i loved playing football when i was young. i seriously thought that i might be a quarterback one day. i had cars and GI Joes and all of that stuff.
