Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pregnant Lady Crazy Time

I have been soooo emotionally unstable lately. At least I can recognize it and know that I'm being irrational-- but I CANNOT control it.

I always thought that all of that talk about pregnant ladies having wild mood swings and being really weepy referred mostly to women who are, you know, already hyper-emotional and weepy.

Not so, not so.

My hormones are going bonkers. Here's what happened this morning.

Husband took Foster Son to school and left me home to finish getting ready, because I was taking an extra long time this morning. After I got dressed, I went to pack our breakfasts and lunches.

I opened the fridge and began looking for breakfast food, but couldn't find much. So I started throwing things out, to clean out the fridge and make sure I wasn't missing something. Anything older than a couple of days got tossed because I decided that it was safest for the baby if I don't eat anything that might be too old.

So, needless to say, there was hardly anything left in the fridge when I was done.

Husband returned home just as I was noticing that my last option for breakfast food-- a box of oatmeal in our cupboard-- had expired.

Husband: Heeeeey... Are you okay?

Me: Yes, I'm just trying to find something to eat for breakfast and... (sudden burst of tears, sobbing, and snotty nose) I DON'T HAVE ANY FOOD FOR BREAKFAST!!!

Husband: Okay! Okay! This is a problem that we can solve! We can fix this! We'll go get some food. It's okay.

Poor Husband. Of course we can go get some food on our way to work. And non-pregnant me would have just asked to stop somewhere before we got to the office. But pregnant me sees any momentary problem with food as a huge crisis. I've cried over food before. I will probably cry over problems with food again before the baby is born.

It's embarrassing and weird to have these sudden, emotional outbursts. Fortunately, I don't have them TOO often and Husband has been very understanding. I'll be glad when my hormones level back out.

1 comment:

  1. I was like that pre-pregnancy, during my pregnancy, and after! A hungry belly always makes me irrational :P
