Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Accurately Called "Evening Sickness"

Third night in a row of post-dinner puking. This time, I only had to THINK about brushing my teeth. I gagged, started coughing, and then that was it.

I still haven't gained all of my weight back. I assumed that some of my weight loss would be "water weight" and it would be quickly replaced once I could keep fluids down. But I only weighed 109.4 this morning-- still a long way off from 115 lbs. It's weird to weigh less, but be too thick for some of my clothes. Baby, you are turning my world upside down!


  1. You'll gain the weight back. I didn't gain weight until about 14/15 weeks. I lost weight during the first tri because I had no appetite for anything. Enjoy the second tri, its the best part of pregnancy.

  2. i keep reading how you shouldn't lose any weight during your first trimester, but i dont understand how that is possible. my mom always lost a lot of weight with all of her pregnancies and we all turned out fine, so i'm not really worried, i guess.
