Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Belly Button Is Out Of Control

It looks ridiculous. Almost popped out. My baby belly seems to have suddenly appeared overnight and even though it's not that big, my belly button is like, "get me out of here!" and is trying to make a break for it.

Tonight has been crazy. I went to refill my prescription for my anti-nausea medicine after work. The pharmacist handed me one pill. Upon inquiry, she told me that I only had one pill left on my refill and my doctor would have to call it in if I wanted more. If you'll recall, it was a huge, days-long hassle to get my prescription filled and covered by insurance the first time. I was devastated tonight, realizing that it would be another fight to get more pills. As we were driving away, I was crying and yelled out to Husband in sincere desperation, "I need my drugs!!!" I was beside myself. Inconsolable.

Then all of the sudden, I said, "I'm just going to try to go without it. I want to get off of these pills anyway." I was done crying and that was that. Husband looked at me sideways, but kept driving without saying anything.

I have been on an emotional roller coaster lately.

So I was laying in bed tonight, fighting off the nausea, rubbing my belly, talking to Husband. I looked down and saw my belly button. It looked hilarious. Kind of poking out but still nestled far enough into its little crater that it's not officially an "outie." I lost it. I laughed, literally, until I cried. It was the funniest thing. Oh, man.

A little while after I had finished laughing, I felt something really strange in my belly. A kick? I don't know!!! It felt like it came from inside my belly and it was definitely in the current uterus area. It almost felt tickley, however it surprised me so much that I didn't process it as a tickle but just something crazy happening inside of me. I know that it's a little early to feel the baby, but it's not impossibly early. I tried to bribe the baby into doing it again by offering it oranges. Baby called my bluff, though. I didn't feel it again but I got up and ate orange slices anyway.


  1. That tickley feeling was probably just a fart coming on...that's why you "got up to get orange slices." But it's ok, being bloated and gassy are all part of the pleasantries of pregnancy :)

  2. :D

    BELIEVE ME, i have done my fair share of farting. i am quite familiar with that feeling. i was just telling Husband last night that i think that excessive farting is one of nature's ways to keep other would-be suitors away from an already-pregnant lady.

    this felt different, though. and i don't know if i have my anatomy right, but i don't think i have any intestines down where i felt it. i think that they've been mostly pushed up higher.

    eh, who knows? if i feel it again, then i'll be more sure next time.
