Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Word of Advice

Another note to acquaintences (not friends or family who are telling me their own pregnancy stories, which I actually want to hear):

Look. If you are going to inquire as to how I'm feeling (a common question to ask pregnant ladies), and then in the course of our conversation learn about my difficulties with morning sickness, do not say to me, "Well, I never had ANY morning sickness!" unless you are going to follow up with something like, "...but I gained 80 pounds during my pregnancy!" Or, "...but my stretch marks are still hideous!" Or, "...but being in labor for 3 days is no walk in the park, either."

It's really hard for me to smile and congratulate you on your easy pregnancy when I'm holding back the urge to vomit.


  1. Don't hold back. Just let 'er rip when they say it. That'll teach 'em!

  2. Not YOU, Peg. You are my friend. I want to hear about your happy pregnancy. I don't wish ill on you, and I like to know that you are doing well! Plus, I've actually asked you how you're feeling, unlike the people who fake concern for my condition and then go on to brag about their wonderful pregnancy.

    This is the conversation that I hate having...

    Person I barely know: So, how are you feeling?

    Me: Oh, I've had better days. Doing okay, though.

    P: Oh, are you having morning sickness?

    M: Yeah.

    P: Have you tried saltines? Its supposed to help to eat saltines.

    M: Oh, I've tried everything. I'm on medication for it, actually, so it's not as bad as it could be right now.

    P: GOSH! You must have it pretty bad... You know, I NEVER had any morning sickness. I felt GREAT the whole time. I loved being pregnant, really. I felt so happy and womanly... blah, blah, blah.

    Then I grit my teeth/smile and say, "Some people are lucky, I guess!" and try to walk away as quickly as possible, before I can't hold back the urge to punch something.
