Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baby Swap

At my 32 week check-up yesterday, I told the midwife that Elise has been less active lately. She always passes her kick counts, but over the last week or two she has been moving around noticeably less often.

"It's like there's a different baby in there!" I said.

The midwife sent me to get another ultrasound, just to make sure everything is okay. No umbilical cord wrapped around her neck or whatever.

Everything turned out to be fine. Her movements must be smaller now, or I'm just not feeling them as much. She was moving all over the place during the ultrasound.

At the end of the exam, the technician gave us another quick peek with the 3-D ultrasound, so we could really see the baby's face.

I swear, she looks completely different than the last time we had an ultrasound done.

She has incredibly full lips. Neither Husband or I have full lips like that. I kept joking that someone switched my baby. But really. She looks COMPLETELY different.

It's like there's a different baby in there.

Her nose definitely looks like my nose, though. Poor thing. Other than that, she doesn't look like either one of us. (Those lips!) This prompted Husband to joke, "There's really no polite way to ask for a paternity test..."

I'd gotten so used to thinking she looked one way, that seeing her look different was quite a shock. Husband kept telling me that it's probably totally normal. That she looks different from the last ultrasound and she'll look different again by the time she comes out.

I expected her face to look fuller-- not different.

Then Husband said that maybe the lips just fill out first on babies and that the rest of her head will catch up and grow bigger like her lips. This sent me into full panic mode. "If her head has to grow enough to make her full lips look thin like ours, she'll never fit out of my pelvis!!!"

Husband says she looks like a little model, with her pouty lips. Our beautiful baby.

I wonder what she'll look like when she comes out!


  1. Mikey slowed his kicks towards the tail end of my pregnancyu as well. My midwife put my fears to rest by saying that there is less room for them to kick by 32 weeks. There isn't as much space for them to rear back ans assault your abdomen, so you don't feel it as often.

    As for her face, comparing pictures of Mikey now and when he was a newborn is astounding. He looks totally different.

  2. i know what you mean about there being less space. when i feel her, it's definitely more rolls and pokes than kicks. oh, and she likes punching my bladder.
