Monday, February 8, 2010

More Regarding Husband and the Hospital Bag

I should have explained, when talking about what my husband will bring with him to the hospital, that my darling spouse carries upon him at all times a "man purse." I prefer to call it his "bag" or if I'm feeling saucy then his "man sack." But he seriously carries more crap around his body than I ever imagined necessary or even possible. Flashlights, multi-tools, knives. He is teetering on the border between boy scout-like preparedness and compulsive hoarding of tactical supplies. If I go into labor in a dark cave, Husband is equipped to pry the baby from my body, tie off the umbilical cord, and then sterilize a knife and cut the cord himself.

Magzilla and Jen gave some good suggestions of things for Husband to bring with him to the hospital in the comments section of my last post. Some of these things are already found in his ever-present man sack. Headache medicine. Money. His cell phone, with all of the contact info of our relatives (we consolidated that information into his cell phone a few days ago), AND a cell phone charger. Lord only knows what else. He pulled out a pair of needle-nosed pliers from his bag today. When asked to explain what they were doing there, he was strangely evasive. I've decided that I just don't want to know.

I fully expect to find random electronic devices and/or items found exclusively at camping stores in the bottom of Elise's diaper bag in a few months. Cuz, you know, what baby doesn't need a titanium spork, just in case?


  1. Haha. Yes, the man purse! Be sure to empty it of anything that could be construed as a weapon before going to the hospital (pocket knives, needle nosed pliers, spork). Some hospitals do not allow anything that could be used as a weapon.

  2. Is he packing everything into his man purse or his new diaper bag??
