Monday, February 15, 2010

More Stuff For Husband's Hospital Bag

We've added socks, a pair of jeans, a sweater, mints, Jolly Rancher candies, and the DVDs for season 1 of "Arrested Development" to Husband's hospital bag. His backpack is completely stuffed full. I figure that if there's anything else that Husband needs, someone can bring it to him.

Now I have to work on my bag. All I have packed so far is a toothbrush, a travel size of contact solution and a contact lens case, and some fuzzy socks. The basics. The necessities.

I'm 34 weeks along now, which means that if I go into labor, even though the baby would be early, the hospital that I go to probably wouldn't try to stop the baby from coming. That's what we were told in our childbirth preparation class. I keep having a lot of Braxton-Hicks contractions, which is a good sign that my body's getting ready.

As soon as you're ready, Elise, I'm ready, too!!!

1 comment:

  1. We always tried to stop labor if it was before 37 weeks, which is considered full term. More time for the lungs to develop so baby doesn't have to go to the ICU for breathing help.
