Monday, February 15, 2010

Breastfeeding Snacks

In our breastfeeding class, we talked about ways that dads can help out with the baby. If dads can't help feed the baby, there are still lots of other things they can do to help, of course, like burping the baby and bringing the baby to its mother. One thing that we talked about that I hadn't really thought of is that the dad can make sure that the mom has lots of good food prepared and easily accessible. Especially in the first few weeks, when it's harder for the mom to get around, since she's still recovering.

The instructor suggested preparing sandwiches and putting them in the fridge before the dad leaves for work in the morning. Making sure the grocery shopping is done. Getting bottles of water to put next to the area where the mom will be breastfeeding.

Husband and I have decided to start stocking up now. We bought some individual serving cups of applesauce this weekend. I want to get some more fruit cups and some dried fruit, too. That'll be a good start. And none of that stuff needs to be kept in the fridge, so we can stack it next to the rocking chair where I'll be feeding Elise.

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