Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Everything's Bigger In Pregnantland

Shortly after I got pregnant, I stuffed a pillow under my shirt and proudly announced to Husband, "This is what I'll look like in 8 months! Can you believe it?"


Pregnant ladies (for the most part) do not look like non-pregnant ladies with pillows under their shirts. More than just your belly gets big. EVERYTHING gets bigger. The belly overshadows the other parts, but when it's your own body, you notice the changes everywhere.

Pregnant feet spread out. Pregnant thighs get fatter. (I think that my thighs are the most devastating of the changes so far. I understand that they're helping to balance out my ginormous belly, but I still can't completely appreciate the utility of having fat thighs during pregnancy.) Pregnant lady parts get bigger (which came as a bit of a surprise to me). Pregnant butts get wider as pregnant hips spread. Pregnant boobs, of course, morph into the aforementioned porn star boobs. Pregnant upper arms get a bit thicker. Even pregnant faces get fuller.

I saw a pre-pregnant picture of myself the other night and I was like, "OMG! I was so thin! I've never thought of myself as thin, but I look thin there!" It's all relative, I suppose.

After this baby comes, if I can lose my pregnancy weight, I swear that will never complain about my thighs again. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you entirely. Just get it in your head now that you want to lose the weight and then make it an every deal with yourself and baby that you will be active. Go for a walk with baby in the stroller, put baby on the floor and do squats, curl the car seat when carrying it around. Those thighs...I got 'em too. And I hate them so very much.
