Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bad Luck Day

From about 7:00 Monday night until about 7:00 last night, Husband and I had a string of bad luck. I'm hoping it's over. I'm trying to think positively and say to myself, "at least it happened all at once and only ruined 24 hours, rather than dragging out and ruining several days." That's a good way to look at it, right?

Monday night, Husband's computer crashed. The hard drive was ruined. About a year's worth of our pictures, a lot of music, and a lot of work Husband had done on personal projects was lost. Why didn't we back that stuff up? Lesson learned. The hard way.

Then yesterday morning, Husband woke up with a terrible cold. Poor Husband.

Yesterday at lunch, I fell and skinned my knee. I've been REALLY off balance lately, and now that all of my ligaments and whatnot are loosening up, I'm a wobbly mess.

I was walking down some steps with Husband, on our way out to lunch, and my ankle just totally gave out. I couldn't catch my balance because I was on the stairs. Fortunately, I was about to step down to the last stair, so I didn't fall far. I did skin my knee up pretty good, though.

I landed on all fours, so my belly never got bumped. In fact, Elise slept right through it. She didn't even stir. She woke up later for lunch, so I know that she was okay. I'm okay, too-- it was just sort of embarrassing. I haven't skinned my knee since I was, what-- 7 years old?

Another lesson learned the hard way: use the f***ing hand rails on stairs when you're 9 months pregnant.

The last bad thing that happened was that Husband and I locked outselves out of our house yesterday evening. Foster Son was on a visit, which doesn't usually happen in the middle of the week, so Husband and I were planning to go out for a nice, relaxing dinner. We went home and got ready after work, walked out the front door, and realized that somehow neither one of us had grabbed our keys. Evening plans ruined.

Fortunately, we both had our phones. We called my sister, who we knew would be busy for the next hour and 1/2, then walked to a nearby, less nice, less relaxing restaurant for dinner. My sister was able to meet us and let us into our house just in time for Husband to leave and go pick up Foster Son from his visit.

So far so good today, though. Hoping that the bad luck has passed...

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